Ian Hart Consultancy – Testimonials

Our performance information confirmed everything that we were arguing in the SEF that we drafted with your help. So we have a good story to tell not just about attainment and achievement but about self evaluation as well. And we are telling the story well thanks to Ian’s help!
Ian helped us to evaluate our performance efficiently and confidently. He saved us a great deal of time.
Our SLT accomplished as much in one day with Ian as we would have done in six days without him.
OFSTED inspectors confirmed that the work that we did with him was accurate and supported our self evaluation very well.
Headteacher, London

I’m an experienced Headteacher but spending the day working with Ian on our school’s SEF was one of the best decisions I made this year.
His inspection training and being a former Headteacher himself, means that he knows both the challenges faced by schools and what Ofsted expects. Ian can recognise what each SEF judgement means in practical terms and provides many suggestions about how standards can be met and raised.
His flexibility is also helpful, so he can respond to the individual needs of the school but also ensures that the gets the job done. In our case we completed the SEF in a day, which was a welcome first for me.
Headteacher, London

I wanted to say a huge thank you for the work you did yesterday…….. I have to say I have been extremely impressed by the service you provided and would be happy to recommend you to other Headteacher colleagues in the Borough.
Headteacher, South East.

Phew it [the inspection] was a battle but your support and direct talking really invigorated us and we were ready!
Headteacher – North East.

I just wanted to let you know that having had our OFSTED and using the SEF that you developed with us the two HMIs were very impressed with the format and accurate evaluation….. From the day we spent with you we were prepared for the questions and challenges we had and were able to provide the answers easily. We did get the outstanding that you helped us decide to go for……Since the inspection I have recommended you to several other heads …..I thought that you would like to know since you were part of the process that resulted in our positive outcome.
Headteacher – South West.

Thanks Ian; first draft was excellent – my SIP and chair of governors were very impressed and said how concise, informative and yet readable the document already is.
Headteacher, London.

We very much enjoyed the day with you and one real benefit was that [my SLT]….. feel they have much more ownership of whole document than before.
Headteacher, Hampshire.